Sunday, July 12, 2020

A Mech Guy in Love

From last few months
my heart is not functioning properly
Readings of pressure gauge
show that I am in love, mechanically

The entropy of my feelings
is increasing day by day
And for her I am ready
for any cost to pay

Sometimes I am in compression
and sometimes force is tensile
Curve reaches the fracture point
when I see her and her smile

Compression ignition and spark ignition
I have both tried
But still, there is some
starting problem on that side

My feelings are superheated
above critical temperature and pressure
Now I have to check whether
any boiling has started over there

As per the first law of thermodynamics

You can not create feelings
and you can not destroy
But if you want then
mix them an make an alloy

To this alloy
Love can be given as a name
I am getting all this,
why she is not understanding the same

I think she is not using intel P4
means her processor is slow
I am also not in a hurry
I have three more years to go

All this written above
proves that,
a Mech Guy in Love.